The attacks in this section are designed to help you learn about how JavaScript is used in the browser and how it can be manipulated. The attacks could be carried out by just analysing network traffic, but that isn't the point and it would also probably be a lot harder.
本章节中的攻击旨在帮助您了解如何在浏览器中使用 JavaScript 以及如何对其进行操作,攻击可以通过分析网络流量来实现,但这不是本章节的重点而且可能要困难得多。
Simply submit the phrase "success" to win the level. Obviously, it isn't quite that easy, each level implements different protection mechanisms, the JavaScript included in the pages has to be analysed and then manipulated to bypass the protections.
只需提交单词 “success” 即可攻击成功,显然这并不是那么容易。每个级别都实现了不同的保护机制,页面中包含的JavaScript必须经过分析,然后才能绕过保护。
小明是某间谍组织的一员,他终日监听着我国某重点军事基地的飞行动态,妄图通过分析参数找到我国飞的最快的飞机。我国费尽千辛万苦抓住了他,并在他的电脑上找到了一段他监听的信息,请分析出这段信息中飞的最快的飞机。 格式为flag{md5(ICAO CODE of the fastest plane)}
跨站脚本(英语:Cross-site scripting,通常简称为:XSS)是一种网站应用程序的安全漏洞攻击,是代码注入的一种。它允许恶意用户将代码注入到网页上,其他用户在观看网页时就会受到影响。这类攻击通常包含了HTML以及用户端脚本语言。